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  • Writer's pictureEmma Brown

Houston's Aftermath: The Office Market's Delayed Pandemic Impact

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

Houston's commercial real estate market is always on the move. While the industrial sector has experienced tremendous growth, the office market presents its own set of unique opportunities and challenges. As we continue to navigate this evolving landscape, let's delve into some key insights from Q1 2023 and what they mean for office property management.

Houston's MSA employment stood at a solid 3.3 million at the end of Q1 2023, showing a 4.5% YOY increase. This growth, especially in a region with one of the largest labor forces in the U.S., indicates an active and vibrant economy that's conducive to commercial real estate development. Despite a slight dip in office-using roles, the sector still accounts for a significant 765,911 jobs. This robust office-using workforce provides an encouraging outlook for office property management.

In Q1 2023, construction activity in the office sector remained fairly stagnant, with no new deliveries completed. While this could seem disheartening, it highlights an opportunity for property management companies to capitalize on the existing office space supply. With the right strategies, the potential of these properties can be maximized, helping clients thrive.

One thing to note is Houston’s overall vacancy, which trended slightly upward, ending Q1 2023 at 26.0% vacant. Many veteran players in the Office space of commercial real estate have noted this could be a delayed implication of Covid's impact on the market. While some markets saw eight figure termination fees and an overall decrease in leasing volume, the Landlords who were able to operate outside of moratoriums and reap the benefits of SBA loans and other government subsidized breaks from the pandemic are watching the long-term tenants who continued to pay rent throughout 2020 either downsize of opt not to extend or renew leases. This scenario provides an opportunity for property management companies to leverage their expertise in reducing vacancies and increasing tenant retention.

In addition, Landlords are finding that the office market's delayed pandemic impact may have resulted in the office-sphere doing something it hasn't achieved in decades--evolve to a changing demographic. As co-working, "micro-offices" and other solutions emerge from the demand for more casual, home-influenced, and modern takes on meeting spaces, many leasing managers and Landlords have found themselves scrambling to update floor plans, change use, and even utilize advertising strategies thought to be reserved for their retail counterparts.

Looking ahead, while vacancies may edge higher before returning to a balanced, stabilized dynamic, comprehensive property management services can make a significant impact in this area.

The Evolution of Office Space into "Home" Inspired Meeting Centers

From creative solutions, risk assessment thorough tenant screenings to timely maintenance and repairs, property management is equipped to handle all aspects to ensure maximum occupancy rates. Ultimately, the Houston office market offers an exciting array of opportunities for investors and owners alike, as it continues to change and evolve.

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