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  • Writer's pictureEmma Brown

Understanding CAM Reconciliations: Your Biggest (Forgotten) Tool

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

CAM Reconciliation is a key term in the world of commercial real estate. Short for Common Area Maintenance, CAM refers to the costs associated with maintaining common areas in a commercial property. This might include areas like lobbies, hallways, elevators, parking lots, and other areas used by all tenants.

CAM charges are typically passed on to tenants in addition to their base rent. However, since these charges are usually based on estimated costs, they may not accurately reflect the actual expenses incurred at the end of the year.

That's where CAM Reconciliations come in. It's the process of comparing the estimated CAM charges billed to tenants throughout the year with the actual costs of maintaining the property. If there's a discrepancy, either the landlord or the tenant may owe the other a balance.

This process ensures fairness and transparency in the landlord-tenant relationship, and it's essential in preventing disputes over CAM charges. It also encourages efficient use of resources since landlords must justify their expenses.

However, CAM Reconciliation can be complex, requiring a detailed understanding of the lease agreement, the actual maintenance costs, and local regulations. That's why it's often beneficial to engage a property management company to handle the process. Additionally, not only can CAM be used as an essential bargaining chip when engaging in lease negotiations and other leveraged situations, CAM (if calculated strategically and accurately) can be a critical tool in your asset's business plan. Depending on your plan for an asset, whether it be upcoming disposition, 5-year, 10-year, 30-year plans, long-term cashflow, etc., CAM Strategy can be used as a lever to both control and contribute to your asset's financial success.

Want to know more? Cinch's team specializes in CAM strategy and business planning for your asset's success. Contact our team to discuss how we can help your projects thrive.

CAM Reconciliations

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